I know...i know.. I have been so bad, have not posted yet the pictures from London Purchases. See I did start the post, it is sitting there waiting for the slideshow of pictures. On my last day off I did the slideshow on rockyou. I get almost done, click save on a caption I added..and THEY ALL DISS...APPEAR. So needless to say that did not make me get in the mood to do it all over. After a few select choiced words for rockyou.com I saved the post and got off. Well I am still managing to balance my time with kids, hubby, me, work and school but not the email, phone calls, blog time. Phew...how do you mothers do it?? First month is an adjusment time period but still..to see how busy my life will be when I am 30 something or 40 something with 3 kids...man oh man..I am scared and not sure about it.=)
I digress though, from the title. Here is my Shoe Dazzle Purchase for October. I will hopefully get them in the mail, everything has been taking awhile here this last month. Then I will get a post up of me with the Sept and Oct Shoe's on...err probally 2010 before I do that.=)
I love them, and hope they are as cute in person. I am getting upset at how long they are taking to get here. But being APO I can not pin point if It is due to actual Shoe Dazzle themselves. But I am excited for the ruffles, I got black ones in Sept too. That now gives me...3 pairs of black high heels and one flat. I need more black.Shoot I think I need more of every color though.=)
Have a good Day.